About Me

Welcome to my webpage. As an applied microeconomist, I focus on studying how people in underserved communities develop higher-order skills, specifically in areas related to innovation and STEM.

I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in Economics and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and an NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellow 2023

I am on off the job market (yay!)

I will be joining Stanford King Center on Global Development as a Postdoctoral Scholar in 2024 before starting as an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Education at the Department of Education, Brown University, in 2025.

In addition, I will be a visiting researcher at Aalto University and a research collaborator with the Development Innovation Lab at the University of Chicago.

Find my latest CV here. You can email me at sg3735-at-tc-dot-columbia-dot-edu

Primary Fields: Development Economics, Labor Economics

Secondary Fields: Economics and Education, Economics of Innovation

Photo Courtesy: Alex Eble